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Writer's pictureSarah Powell

Miso Paste, the Ultimate Superfood for Sailors

When you are sailing and even more so when crossing oceans, the need for nutritious foods that are easy to prepare and bring flavour with little effort is a high priority on my provisioning list.  Enter miso paste, a traditional Japanese ingredient that is emerging as a superfood for sailors, particularly suited for quick hot drinks, noodle soups, stews and even cakes and biscuits., all packed full of nutrition and just what you need for those comforting meals that need minimal preparation but are jammed full of flavour.

With a long shelf life, thanks to it being fermented, and its umami flavour, it is surprising how versatile and delicious this fermented soybean paste is.

In this article, I explain why I think miso paste deserves a place in this much-liked series of Superfoods for Sailors. We love this superfood so much that we are sharing with you two amazing and delicious recipes, so you can start to incorporate the wonderful Miso and enjoy its health benefits and umami flavour in your diet. First, we have our ADD LINK Miso Creamy Chickpeas, perfect with your favourite grains or brown rice, flatbread or a generous slice of Focaccia (If you have never tried to make Focaccia and would love to know how it is part of our Bread Onboard recorded webinar that you can purchase here). Our Miso Buttered Sweetcorn (recipe here) is a great side to accompany a BBQ,, a Mexican meal or eaten on its own! This recipe I found on the website Recipe Tin Eats and I veganised it by using plant-based butter and omitting the bacon.

It is actually not that long ago that miso became a staple on my provisioning list.  The idea of a soybean paste fermented by a fungus did not make my mouth water.  After trying a few dishes with the special umami flavour that miso brings to recipes, I was keen to try it out.  This was before we were living on the boat and also before I realised the nutritional benefits of this amazing addition to my recipes.    I began my research of the fermented soybean paste, looked for recipes, tried the different varieties out and experimented in my kitchen and still do now in my galley.  I can safely say that it is one of the most versatile superfoods that I have come across and can be used in a variety of savoury and sweet recipes.

What is Miso Paste?

Miso paste, a traditional Japanese seasoning, has a rich history that spans several centuries. It is a fermented condiment made primarily from soybeans, salt, and koji (a type of fungus used in fermentation). Its rich, umami flavour enhances soups, marinades, and dressings, and it can even be used to make a delicious salted caramel and in baking, making it a versatile addition to any galley. Beyond its culinary appeal, miso paste is packed with nutrients that support overall health.  Backed by scientific research, miso paste offers a plethora of health benefits that can keep us sailors healthy and energised during passage and at anchor.


Nutritional Powerhouse


Miso paste is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins B2, B12, E, and K, as well as minerals like manganese, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. It also contains a significant amount of protein, making it a valuable source of plant-based nutrition. For sailors, who require balanced and nutrient-dense meals to maintain energy and health, miso paste is most definitely an ideal food.


Probiotics and Gut Health


One of the standout features of miso paste is its probiotic content. Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host, particularly in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. According to research published in the *Journal of Applied Microbiology, the fermentation process used to make miso paste results in a food teeming with beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species.


For sailors, maintaining gut health is crucial. A healthy gut can enhance nutrient absorption, bolster the immune system, and prevent gastrointestinal issues that could otherwise become debilitating in the confined quarters of your yacht. The probiotic content in miso paste supports these functions, ensuring sailors remain healthy and resilient during their voyages.


Immune System Support


The immune-boosting properties of miso paste extend beyond its probiotic content. The fermentation process also increases the bioavailability of nutrients, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilise them. Vitamins E and K, as well as zinc, are known for their roles in supporting immune function. Additionally, a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food ** highlights that miso contains antioxidants, which can protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. For sailors exposed to the harsh marine environment, these protective properties are invaluable.


Energy and Metabolism


Sailing can be physically demanding, requiring sustained energy and endurance. Miso paste provides a steady release of energy, thanks to its balanced macronutrient profile. The complex carbohydrates present in miso are broken down slowly, providing a gradual energy release that helps sailors maintain stamina throughout the day.


Furthermore, the B vitamins in miso play a critical role in energy metabolism. These vitamins help convert food into energy, support brain function, and reduce fatigue. A study published in Nutrients*** emphasises the importance of B vitamins in maintaining energy levels and cognitive function, both of which are essential for the demanding lifestyle of those who call the sea their home.


Easy to Store and Prepare


Miso paste's practical advantages also make it a sailor's best friend. It has a long shelf life, does not require refrigeration, and is easy to store even in small spaces. Preparing miso soup is quick and simple: just add hot water and a few other ingredients like seaweed, tofu, or green onions, or quick-cook noodles and you have a nourishing meal ready in minutes.  Perfect for when you don’t have time or the weather conditions to be behind the stove for any length of time.


Miso paste is more than just a flavourful ingredient; it is a nutritional powerhouse that can significantly benefit sailors. Its rich array of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics supports immune function, gut health, and energy metabolism. Combined with its ease of storage and preparation, miso paste stands out as a superfood perfectly suited for the unique demands of life at sea. By incorporating miso into your diet, whether at sea or on land, as part of a balanced healthy diet, you feel healthy, energised, and ready to face the challenges that arise.

If you are feeling like adding a bit of umami to your dishes check out our Miso Creamy Chickpea Recipe here, made in a flash with simple store cupboard ingredients and our friend Miso paste! It is a firm favourite on our boat!




*Journal of Applied Microbiology, "Health Benefits of Probiotics in Fermented Foods," 2022.

**Journal of Medicinal Food*, "Antioxidant Properties of Miso," 2020.

***Nutrients, "Role of B Vitamins in Energy Metabolism and Cognitive Function," 2019.

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